Saturday, January 17, 2009

Paying Attention

Or lack there of......
Looking good right?
Maybe not. That's what it's supposed to look like.

Here they are together.

I was at the Surgery Center and was in the waiting room with the SIL and cast on the second sock. I had the pattern with and looked at it a few times. I have no excuse. I just wasn't paying proper attention. It might have helped if I hadn't waited eight months before starting the second one either. It's a k2 p2 rib and I worked for a long while on a k1p1 rib. It also didn't help that we had gone without eating until 2:00 pm. Heh. I frogged it and stuffed it in my WIP bin for a time out...... Although I do like the k1 p1 rib and might have to put it to use in a new design.

I have the Grandpa Milt's Hunting sock on Ravelry now and am going to add a couple mitten patterns, hopefully this weekend. I designed one with a pattern but it needs tweaking yet, and have a plain vanilla one that will be a free patten.

We have a new addition to the family. His name is Dopey. He kinda looks it. He was rescued by my BIL from his work. Dopey was wandering around and wasn't being treated very nicely by BIL's co-workers so he brought him home and ended up here. He was going to be an "outside" cat but never made it. He's way friendly and loves people. He's getting along fine with the dogs bu still runs fron the lil turd. She hasn't figured out "Be nice to the kitty" means "Quit yankin his ever lovin' tail would ya?" Heh.

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