Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Here's the picture of the Table Of Awesomness I blogged about last time. The only bad thing about it, is that it spins. And I have a 2 yo. 'Nuff said....

It works great for sitting in my recliner and knitting.

I was floored when I read the Yarn Harlot's blog today. She started a Log Cabin afghan and I've been working on mine for a month or so. She also Started The Niagra socks after I did. Of course she already finished her's...... I haven't...... I'm not sure if it's a case of great minds think alike or if she's stalking me......(snicker) Like she has nothing better to do that stalk me......

Here are my Niagra Socks from the Electic Sole. That is such and awesome book. I recommend it to anybody who loves to knit socks. I knit them in the Black Purl coloway of Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock yarn.
I'm also putting in an afterthought heel instead of the one written, I think I'm a glutton for punishment.........

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was at an auction a couple weeks ago and got a really cool table to hold my patterns while I'm knitting. It was called a plant stand but it has an extra hole to adjust it to a 45 degree angle. It's AWESOME!!!!! I just need to use a clip to hold the pages on it. The crapper is it broke last night and I need to get another clip. I'll post a picture when I get the new clip because right now it just looks like a wonky table.

I started an afghan pattern and am about 1/5th of the way done with it. It's for my grandfather. My step-grandma has a seperate TV room for him in the basement. I'm still not sure if I should be offended on his behalf or think she's a friggen genius. I'll have to think on that for a while.

I haven't been blogging much lately (no really?) because I had some slow assed dail up but as of 3 pm yestarday afternoon I now have wisper wireless and it rocks! I've been up late (after a nap in the evening ) going through You Tube videos and Pod casts that I've been kept away from because of dail up. I love the highspeed!
We have a new addition to talk about. We got the lil turd a goat a month or so ago. He's like a little puppy dog with her. They are absolutly hilarious to watch. If you see one the other is bound to be close buy. The dog is pretty fasinated with him as well. The FIL named him Frank.
We have (ok the husbeast has) a corral just about built for the horses and just have to finish redoing the pasture in poly tape. That should only take a day or two (or 7) to get up.
Not much else going on in my world. Pretty sad huh?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Swatch People!!!!!!!!!

I bought a new book a couple weeks ago. It is awesome.

The thing is (there's always a thing...) I cast on with the recommended needle size but not the yarn used...... Good thing I have a toddler that likes to wear hand knit socks...

I used Beracco ultra fine alpaca and it's turning out great.... just a few sizes to small....I will swatch for the next pattern, I promise.

I also started a Log Cabin afghan and it's going great. I used 5 colors and cast on 40 stitches and just kept knitting. I cast off after the second color and picked up the edges and knit 18 rows. Cast of all but last stitch and kept picking up knit 18 rows cast off, etc. etc. I lost my card for my camera but will post pics next time.
I bought a crap load of cotton yarn and 2 patterns for t-shirts at a sale at Uniquely Knits last weekend. The hubby was not impressed that I got it for 40% off....But he didn't take me out for Valentines day or out 5 year anniversary, so that'll teach him.... Probably not but I keep hoping.

Actually I have no reason to complain. I am working on my stash and he doesn't usually say anything. He just shakes his head and wanders away.

I blew out my first socks. I got those during Sock Wars III Last summer. I darned them the easy way. I yelled "Darn it!!!" as I tossed them in the garbage..... I really don't think they were salvageable any way. I put them in the wash and put them on. I walked around for an hour before I noticed it. I kept saying to myself "Gee, the floor feels aweful cold for some reason..." Then I looked at the bottom of my sock and found out why...( I never claimed to be the brightest bulb on the tree mind you)
I need to get knitting on the socks I have on the needles. I have six pairs or so..... Yeah I have knitting ADD.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Paying Attention

Or lack there of......
Looking good right?
Maybe not. That's what it's supposed to look like.

Here they are together.

I was at the Surgery Center and was in the waiting room with the SIL and cast on the second sock. I had the pattern with and looked at it a few times. I have no excuse. I just wasn't paying proper attention. It might have helped if I hadn't waited eight months before starting the second one either. It's a k2 p2 rib and I worked for a long while on a k1p1 rib. It also didn't help that we had gone without eating until 2:00 pm. Heh. I frogged it and stuffed it in my WIP bin for a time out...... Although I do like the k1 p1 rib and might have to put it to use in a new design.

I have the Grandpa Milt's Hunting sock on Ravelry now and am going to add a couple mitten patterns, hopefully this weekend. I designed one with a pattern but it needs tweaking yet, and have a plain vanilla one that will be a free patten.

We have a new addition to the family. His name is Dopey. He kinda looks it. He was rescued by my BIL from his work. Dopey was wandering around and wasn't being treated very nicely by BIL's co-workers so he brought him home and ended up here. He was going to be an "outside" cat but never made it. He's way friendly and loves people. He's getting along fine with the dogs bu still runs fron the lil turd. She hasn't figured out "Be nice to the kitty" means "Quit yankin his ever lovin' tail would ya?" Heh.