I was at the yarn shop on Sat. and bought a book. (yea me) Knitting Stitches by Mary Webb. I've owned it for less than a week and already have ideas for sweater designs. (Oh My). We'll see if they pan out. Hopefully I'll have a PDF download figured out for the blog. (read: I ain't holding my breath LOL)
No new projects or finished projects to report. I will post a picture of the current Sock Wars sock before I send it to my assasin for her to finish. It's summer so I'm trying to get all the "outside stuff" completed before I knit so the knitting has slowed down a bit. I've also been spending way too much time on Ravlery. There is way to much on that website. You outta try it.
Another "Knitting Under The Influance" to report. No major mistakes or goofy knitting happened. Me and the SIL were way to tired (we were both up at 6:30 am)to get too
Me 3
She is so way behind, (read:
The DD was invited to her Very First BDay party on wed. We'll see how that goes. My cousin has a daughter that turns one on Wed. and my DD is just 16 months old. It could be very interesting. I hope