Friday, January 25, 2008

Gift or Bribe?

Well I got a new project handed to me. Not a real hard one. Just a partially knitted sock. HEH. The sil was up and offered me the leftover sock yarn if I finished the socks. (Good move sil, ya know I'm a sucker for yarn). They are pretty easy, just a basic 2x2 rib basic sock. Nothing like brain surgery.

Pretty yarn too. I think the yarn will make a cute pair of socks for the lil turd. There are nice patterns in SENSATIONAL KNITTED SOCKS by Charlene Schurch. I did a variation on the "Class Sock" for one pair for the lil turd. I cast on 40 instead of 32 and used sock yarn and size one dpns instead of worsted and size 6 dpns. These were done with leftovers from my razor shells.
I tried to knit an afgahn the other day and it didn't work so well. My dumbarse didn't go buy stitch markers. (how dumb am I?) anyway, I messed up on counting the stitch pattern and missed a repeat somewhere and I just frogged the whole thing. I'll re do it after I go get the stitch markers. I'm still trying to get all the lil gadgets and gizmos that help knitting go smoother but evidently have brainfarted this one lil thing or things.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bad Blogger

What can i say? I'm lazy. I can't seem to come up with clever blogs so I don't seem to post very much. I been kinda blah for the last couple weeks. Not much knitting or blogging (or cleaning either ). The lil turd has been sick too and I cought the cold she had so I was down for a couple days. This is the current WIP. It seems to be taking FOREVER to knit up. I started it Dec 31st and that's all the further I've gotten.
I did get the dishrag done last night but haven't taken a picture of it yet. I will do so tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Knitting under the influence

Yeah I know it's a bad idea but it can be done. Not by me but by the SIL. She came up to celebrate Christmas and friday night became a "party". It was me, her and the FIL. (the hubby was with the baby) It was great until this shilly sit knitter (hence the name) got into the rum. All was fine and dandy when i was sippin on the beer, but then (horror of horrors) the beer ran out!(Gasp) Then I had a really bright idea (relatively speaking of course) "There is half a bottle of rum, Maybe I'll have one". One ended up being three (I think). This knitter was actually too drunk to knit. I was trying to finish those cute purple and pink socks that were posted earlier. All I had left to do was the toe decrease and I had enough sence (surprisingly) to not want to have to frog the toe the next day. That was the first time that has happened to me. And I STRONGLY recomend if you start drinking beer- stick with beer. I had a hangover from HELL. I felt like somebody knitted me up and frogged me four times. BAD BAD BAD. The SIL just laughed at me and drug me out to check out the LYS in New London anyway. Uniquely Knits. I had fun limping along in my hungover state. I felt like death warmed over. And we still had to cook Christmas supper that night (sat). THe rest of the weekend was a blast. And I got those socks and the KAL socks done and kitchenered and acouple of swatches knitted.

There they are. Not the best I've seen but not the worst either. I didn't block them yet so I bet they will look better when I get that done. (If I get it done).