Well My Blog has a few changes. I spent quite a bit of time on it last night tweaking it a bit. I have a long way to go to get it just right. Anyway I have a few more pictures to share. Here is a dishcloth I have been working on. It's one of those WIP's that I work on when I'm sick of looking at my current project.
It's a slip stitch pattern you can find on http://diynetwork.com/
There are quite a few really neat knitting patterns on there under Knitty Gritty. I really like that show, it has some really neat projects. Here's another pattern I got on there. It's unter the show "knitting for charity." It's also under the link Teddy Bear Pattern. The one on the bottom is the original pattern and the one on top I modified. All I did was add double the cast on stitches. It's wider but not longer.
Here is a picture of my KAL sock. It's almost done. (WOO HOO) I just started the toe decrease this am waiting for the laundry to get done at about 4 am. The baby woke up and I laid down on the bed with her and she sprung a leak(hehe). Gotta love that!!!